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Tuesday, March 4, 2014


first, can we talk about how amazing the ladies were last week for sharing their faith here on the blog?!
a huge THANK YOU to amanda, brittany and brittani for opening up and sharing from the heart !
these lovely ladies are amazing women of God who fear Him, and run after Him zealously. 
if you missed their posts ON FAITH, treat yourself to amanda's, brittany's and brittani's posts now!
we are on week 9 of the JOSHUA CODE - but if you want to catch up on the first few verses you can do so by going back a few weeks in the blog and looking for the same image as above! 
take it one verse at a time, or feel free to just pick it up with us this week!

Here is last weeks and this weeks verses:

w e e k -  n i n e 
"Do not be drunk with wine, 
in which is dissipation;
but be filled with the spirit."

e p h e s i a n s  5 : 1 8

. . . 
THERE IS INWARD EVIDENCE :  'singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.' (Ephesians 5:19)
THERE IS UPWARD EVIDENCE :  'giving thanks always for all things to God.' (Ephesians 5:20)
THERE IS OUTWARD EVIDENCE : 'submitting to one another in the fear of God' (Ephesians 5:21)
. . .

'As you memorize this verse this week, meditate on how much God longs to reign as Lord on the throne of your heart, to fill you with HIs own fullness, and to empower you to overcome and live and life of blessings. After all, if it is great to get a blessing, it is even better to be a blessing. Confess your sins afresh and anew to Him. Crown Him the Lord of your life. Remove yourself from the throne of your own heart and welcome Him there. Then claim God's fullness by faith. '
(The Joshua Code, pg. 58).

i love what Hawkins says in the introduction of this book talking about the 'Joshua Code':
'The Joshua Code  is a challenge to keep God's Word in our mouths through memorization and to keep it in our hearts through meditation "day and night"'. 
"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night,  that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success" 
 j o s h u a  1 : 8 

I pray that you continue to come back to the blog for the weekly verses as we learn and memorize scripture verses together and grow in faith and love together!

Do you want a copy of your own JOSHUA CODE to read along and go more in depth every week? Get your copy HERE!


  1. I'm enjoying "being on the same page" as we study the Joshua Code together! Seem like after listening to Matthew McConaughey's acceptance speech at the Oscars about Inward, Outward and especially Upward....he may also be reading along :)

  2. Did I tell you that Joshua 1:8 was my scripture memory verse for a few weeks ago? Well it was! :)
